The Mission of WAR is to promote gender equality, prevent and respond to gender based violence through public education, advocacy, research, and survivor support.
WAR offers support to victims and survivors of gender based violence through the following programs:
WAR offers psycho-social counselling to the victims, victims' families, and perpetrators of gender based violence in order to provide complete healing and prevent further abuse.
Legal Aid
Legal Aid is the provision of legal services to indigents persons who need legal assistance to prosecute or defend their rights or resolve disputes that can be resolved by the application of the law. Women Against Rape has partnered with Attorney General Chambersy to provide Legal Aid services.
Who Qualifies for Legal Aid
Any Motswana who by the guidelines set in the means test is declared incapable of affording legal assistance to prosecute or defend his /her rights.
Means test is a tool which is used to determine whether a person could afford legal aid or not.
Legal aid services are available even for the employed person who passes the means test.
Legal Aid inclusions and exclusions
Family Matters (Divorce, Defilement)
Labour Disputes
Land Disputes
Debt Collection
Small claims
First Stop Program
This program is a network of volunteers who represent WAR in their communities. They receive training in gender based violence, rape protocol, and basic counseling skills and act as the eyes, ears, mouths, and hands of WAR. They liaise with WAR as much as possible and refer people in their communities to WAR whenever necessary.
Emergency Shelter
WAR operates a safe house to provide shelter and a place to heal for the victims of gender based violence.